Friday, July 13, 2012

On day like today it makes me realize how important it is to move. When you are no longer able to get up and move around freely it inhibits your mood and mental state more than you could imagine.

Be thankful for the ability you have to move, even if it is just to move your arms and legs.

In this summer heat. Take the time to breath in the air as you run, or watch the sun rise on a morning hike.

Being outside and in the sun moving around does more for your whole body than just your physical state. It allows your mental and emotional state to feel better as well.

Keep moving and Keep happy!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Cupcakes, candies and cakes are a thing of the past in most schools on Birthdays.

A great activity for all students can be done on a birthday rather than eating junk!

Pick a dance move, exercise or conga line pathway through your classroom and every time a birthday comes around, do as many dance moves or birthday exercises as the student is old. Or take a little extra time and sing happy birthday while doing a conga line through the pathway headed by the birthday boy or girl.....

Birthday celebrations can be sweet without the sugar!

Counting the school days....

A great way to get children moving while learning is as simple as keeping track the days of school year. Most schools celebrate the 100th day of school, but this activity can last the whole year through.

Pick a fun and fast exercise that you think your students will like. Then each day at some point take a moment, after lunch, before a math test or in the middle of a noisy moment to stop the class and do as many of the exercise as the days of school year so far. Jumping jacks, toe touches and frog jumps are great for this!

You do not need tons of space, children are counting, excising and regrouping at the same time.

Get counting!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Getting older....

When a new year arrives and the past year is gone you realize the things that you have missed the most are the things you've always wanted to do.

Don't settle. Be creative. Ask questions. Do research on common topics . Smile more. Push your limits. Don't take no for an answer.

Stay active and enjoy the outdoors even in cold weather! Take a quick walk today and see how good it will make you feel!

Taking time to teach others about their body is just as important as helping them move it. Learning about one bone in your body each week and what it's uses are will fuel your mind body and soul!!

Mandible .... Is your jaw bone! It helps you chew, talk, yawn and more!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jumping Beans....

Jumping Jacks are one exercise that help children learn how to coordinate their body movements. Moving their arms and legs at the same time in such a pattern gets their blood pumping, bringing more oxygen to the blood, which awakens their mood and brain! Taking a break every 15 or 20 minutes during a math or science lesson will help students feel more energized and focused on the task at hand.

An easy way to help children having trouble with the movements are to break down the movements into common images that the children can relate to.

Step1: Say "Star" and open your legs wide and your arms over your head, have children say the word aloud when they make the movements
Step2: Say "Pencil" and bring your arms in by your sides and legs back together, have children say the word aloud when they make the movements
Step3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 very slowly, waiting the children to make the right movement before moving on
Step 4: As the students are getting the hang of the movements do steps one and two faster and faster. To get kids excited start off really slow and build up the speed to the point that they can barley understand what step you are saying aloud and be silly!!

Anytime is a great time for a Jump Jack break :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Messy Back Yard....

There is no reason why games can't teach children at the same time as they are enjoying themselves.

You may already know of the game Messy Back Yard. If not, the game is simple. There are two teams, one barrior between the teams (could just be a line on the floor that neither team is allowed to cross) and soft throwable objects. Each team starts with the same number of objects. When the game begins the object of the game is to pick up all the "trash" (soft throwable objects) and throw them onto the other teams "lawn" (other side of the barrior or line). At the end of the time period which can be determined by the teacher, but I reccomend a 3 min. maximum, all the throwing of objects stops and each team must count up the number of objects on their lawn. The team with the least amount of objects wins that round.

This game is easy, fun and teaches math skills, throwing skills, teamwork and a sense of good cleaning :)

To make this fun around the Holiday Season, I reccomend using all white objects and have a "Snowball fight". With this modification classroom teachers can use this game with white pieces of paper, in a controlled classroom setting.

Happy Moving!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


The time is now.

Forgive the past

Believe in the future

And make it happen.