Thursday, February 2, 2012


Cupcakes, candies and cakes are a thing of the past in most schools on Birthdays.

A great activity for all students can be done on a birthday rather than eating junk!

Pick a dance move, exercise or conga line pathway through your classroom and every time a birthday comes around, do as many dance moves or birthday exercises as the student is old. Or take a little extra time and sing happy birthday while doing a conga line through the pathway headed by the birthday boy or girl.....

Birthday celebrations can be sweet without the sugar!

Counting the school days....

A great way to get children moving while learning is as simple as keeping track the days of school year. Most schools celebrate the 100th day of school, but this activity can last the whole year through.

Pick a fun and fast exercise that you think your students will like. Then each day at some point take a moment, after lunch, before a math test or in the middle of a noisy moment to stop the class and do as many of the exercise as the days of school year so far. Jumping jacks, toe touches and frog jumps are great for this!

You do not need tons of space, children are counting, excising and regrouping at the same time.

Get counting!