Thursday, December 29, 2011

Getting older....

When a new year arrives and the past year is gone you realize the things that you have missed the most are the things you've always wanted to do.

Don't settle. Be creative. Ask questions. Do research on common topics . Smile more. Push your limits. Don't take no for an answer.

Stay active and enjoy the outdoors even in cold weather! Take a quick walk today and see how good it will make you feel!

Taking time to teach others about their body is just as important as helping them move it. Learning about one bone in your body each week and what it's uses are will fuel your mind body and soul!!

Mandible .... Is your jaw bone! It helps you chew, talk, yawn and more!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jumping Beans....

Jumping Jacks are one exercise that help children learn how to coordinate their body movements. Moving their arms and legs at the same time in such a pattern gets their blood pumping, bringing more oxygen to the blood, which awakens their mood and brain! Taking a break every 15 or 20 minutes during a math or science lesson will help students feel more energized and focused on the task at hand.

An easy way to help children having trouble with the movements are to break down the movements into common images that the children can relate to.

Step1: Say "Star" and open your legs wide and your arms over your head, have children say the word aloud when they make the movements
Step2: Say "Pencil" and bring your arms in by your sides and legs back together, have children say the word aloud when they make the movements
Step3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 very slowly, waiting the children to make the right movement before moving on
Step 4: As the students are getting the hang of the movements do steps one and two faster and faster. To get kids excited start off really slow and build up the speed to the point that they can barley understand what step you are saying aloud and be silly!!

Anytime is a great time for a Jump Jack break :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Messy Back Yard....

There is no reason why games can't teach children at the same time as they are enjoying themselves.

You may already know of the game Messy Back Yard. If not, the game is simple. There are two teams, one barrior between the teams (could just be a line on the floor that neither team is allowed to cross) and soft throwable objects. Each team starts with the same number of objects. When the game begins the object of the game is to pick up all the "trash" (soft throwable objects) and throw them onto the other teams "lawn" (other side of the barrior or line). At the end of the time period which can be determined by the teacher, but I reccomend a 3 min. maximum, all the throwing of objects stops and each team must count up the number of objects on their lawn. The team with the least amount of objects wins that round.

This game is easy, fun and teaches math skills, throwing skills, teamwork and a sense of good cleaning :)

To make this fun around the Holiday Season, I reccomend using all white objects and have a "Snowball fight". With this modification classroom teachers can use this game with white pieces of paper, in a controlled classroom setting.

Happy Moving!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


The time is now.

Forgive the past

Believe in the future

And make it happen.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The small things...

The joy of Christmas is clearly felt here in the middle of NYC when the tree is lit. Not one person is frowning around this tree. If only this happiness and joy could be seen and felt all year long. Why don't we find the small things enjoyable more often? If we can learn to see the beauty in the things that mean more than a new iphone or new pair of shoes I think we can find ourselves on the mend to more meaningful and fulfilled futures.

Make a new tradition this year with your family, friends or co-workers. You will see how much it means each year to repeat what you did the year before. That moment in time becomes almost impossible to ruin or break and only becomes more meaningful with each passing year.


Reach for the stars the sky is endless....

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hopscotch is an old "girly" past time, played on a black top with chalk. But who says you can't use the concept of hopping and jumping to learn how to spell.

This is a great station or classroom activity for all elementary grades.

You can use it for short, long and rhyming words. 

On floor dots or on card stock paper write down the word you would like the child to spell out on one dot  and then put all the rest of the individual letters in the word and some extra on the rest of the 10 or so dots or card stock. Have the children line up and hop on each letter saying the letter aloud as they land on it.  For the hopscotch below the child would say " C, A, T" and then jump on Cat and say that aloud "CAT". They may only hop on one letter per line.

Picture for example:

4               CAT
3           Q    R    T
2             A     G
1                 C

You can change the words up, you can change what the child has to do when they get to the dot (jump with one foot, hop on dots with two feet together, say each letter aloud when on it, ect.)

This is also a great progressive activity where the children can start to make the games up for themselves and peers. 

An activity that needs little space, little materials, but get children moving, spelling and working on coordination and balance all at the same time!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Education is something that I have always desired for myself. I have also wanted to teach what I know to others. Not teaching in a school at the moment is something that keeps my mind working, always coming up with new ways of teaching kids and adults of all ages to learn and move. What most people do not realize is that "gym class" is not Physical Education class. I want to spread the word that you can LEARN during P.E and that it is a necessary class for all children in schools to have. I am going to start posting lessons on how simple it can be to get children moving and learning at the same time, as well as making it simple for classroom teachers to implement some of these lessons in their own classes and not needing a gymnasium.

Education is never wasted. It is one thing that once you acquire it no one can take it away from you.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shoes to fill...

We all have big shoes to we choose to fill them is what makes us unique.


My dreams for this blog are to share information and inspire others.  I hope you will follow me on this journey of learning, laughing and loving yourself and the great opportunities that life brings.

Having a passion for family and close friendships is what drives me to wake up and be a motivated person.

Being thankful and grateful keep you grounded....when all else seems to fail look inside yourself for the answers...

Take time out of your day to move...