Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jumping Beans....

Jumping Jacks are one exercise that help children learn how to coordinate their body movements. Moving their arms and legs at the same time in such a pattern gets their blood pumping, bringing more oxygen to the blood, which awakens their mood and brain! Taking a break every 15 or 20 minutes during a math or science lesson will help students feel more energized and focused on the task at hand.

An easy way to help children having trouble with the movements are to break down the movements into common images that the children can relate to.

Step1: Say "Star" and open your legs wide and your arms over your head, have children say the word aloud when they make the movements
Step2: Say "Pencil" and bring your arms in by your sides and legs back together, have children say the word aloud when they make the movements
Step3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 very slowly, waiting the children to make the right movement before moving on
Step 4: As the students are getting the hang of the movements do steps one and two faster and faster. To get kids excited start off really slow and build up the speed to the point that they can barley understand what step you are saying aloud and be silly!!

Anytime is a great time for a Jump Jack break :)

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